Monthly Meetings 2023-24

  • Current Meeting - June 12, 2024


    • Changes in List of Reports to Certify
    • Student Daily Attendance
    • M2L1C
    • SIRS-301 Tested/Not Tested Report
    • ADV/CCCR Reminders
    • Attendance Report Dates



    Previous Meetings

  • September 13, 2023


    • 2023-24 SIRS Reporting Memo
    • Level 0 Opening
    • August Grads - Deadline Reminder
    • L0H Missing Regents
    • Daily Attendance
    • SIRS-301 Tested/Not Tested
    • Using the 2023 -24 SIRS Manual
    • SIRS Manual Changes
      • Reporting Requirements for School Age Students
      • 8300 - Compulsory Age Students Who Stop Attending
      • Staff Assignment
      • New Grade 5 Science & Algebra Codes
      • New Examinations (NYSESLAT & Algebra Regents)
      • AP & IB Course and Assessment Codes
      • New School Exit Type (0071)
    • Assessment Information
    • Courses Information
    • September Reporting Reminders
    • SEDREF Updates
    • CIO State Reporting Resources
    • APPR



    October 18, 2023


    • Level 0
      • Version 19 updates
      • Deleting Data
      • No-Show Students
    • L2RPT
      • Refresh Schedule
      • SIRS-750 Student Profile Report
      • Where to find the Crisis Impact code
    • Other Info
      • Years of Experience
      • NTPP and TPP
      • Staff Snapshot/Staff Assignment
      • NYSSIS Cleanup
    • Reporting Select PPS Professional Staff
    • Finding Calendars and Deadlines
    • 2023 NYSAA Birthdate Ranges
    • ESSA Financial Transparency
    • NYS Report Card
    • Multiple "BEDS Day" Reporting
    • October To-Do List



    November 15, 2023


    • CBT Update
    • Level 0
      • Help Tab
      • Dashboard
      • DPR: Calendar Sumamry Report
      • Partner Project Fact
      • Seal of Biliteracy
      • Import Order
    • Student Digital Resources (Power BI)
    • How to Get NYSSIS IDs
    • Certification Match Process
    • Understnading Pre-K Reporting
    • New Email Alert System
    • Overview of NYSED SIRS Staff and Course Collection
    • Student Daily Attendance
    • Looking Ahead: State Longitudinal Data System



    December 13, 2023


    • Level 0 & Level 2 Updates
      • Course Report Enhancement
      • Staff Snapshot Report Enhancement
      • Data Quality Report Enhancement
      • New SIRS Report (SIRS-115 Backmapping School – Accountability Report)
    • Email Alert System
    • Power BI Updates
    • NYSED Updates
      • NYSED 2023 Data Releases
      • Prelim Accountability Status
      • ESSA Accountability Subgroups
      • Annual Submission & Certification of Special Ed Events
      • Bd of Regents Budget and Priorities
      • Civil Rights Data Collection


  • January 31, 2024


    • New Incidental Teaching Form
    • CBT - What We/ve Learned So Far
    • Automated Email System
    • Ending Enrollment Code 430 (and failure to immunize)
    • Data Reminders for ELL Students
    • New Level 0 Error: Staff Assignment 
    • Update/Fixes to L0: Enrollment and SE Events
    • Update/Fixes to L0: SE Events – 2 Fatal Errors
    • New L2RPT Report: SIRS-657 Annual Enrollment Discrepancy Summary Report 
    • Power BI Security Updates
    • Accountability Designations
    • School and District Accountability
    • BEDS Day Student Enrollment Reminders
    • UPK Data Collection Reminders
    • Report Card and Graduation Rate Releases 



    March 6, 2024


    • BEDS Day Comparison
    • Staff Crosswalk Report (Power BI)
    • Day Calendar (Weather Day)
    • Tested/Not Tested Report
    • My Brother's Keeper
    • Power BI Dashboards (overview of all reports)



    April 17, 2024


    • Level 0 Updates: v19.02
      • Updated Messages (Verification Checks, Reports Screen, Dependent Domains, Day Cal, Assessment, Algebra Codes, Crisis Impact, download with headers, New Staff Assign fields)
      • New Cognos 11.2.4 Interface
      • Attendance Reports
      • New BEDS Day Rpt Comparison Dashboard
    • SIRS Manual Updates (Staff Assign, Staff Attendance, CIA, Homeschool Students, Validity Rules, Alternate spellings for ACE and PUS lang codes
    • Teaching Out of Cert Reminders
    • CIA (Primary Instructor = TOR
    • Student Daily Attendance Reminders
    • ELL and Immigrant Students
    • Non-Pub Business Rules
    • APPR Staff Eval Ratings
    • NYSAA 1% Justification and Assurance
    • CCEIS and CEIS
    • SE Events



    May 8, 2024


    • L2RPT – Cognos 11.2.4
    • SIRS-301 Tested/Not Tested
    • Student Digital Resources Survey
    • Out of Certification
    • CTE & ADV
    • End of Year Report
    • Data Verification: Don’t Wait Until August to Start
    • NYSED’s ISR Parent Reports
