Cooperative Bidding and Purchasing
CoSer: 620.010, 620.500
Cooperative Bidding and Purchasing provides participating school districts, other BOCES and municipalities with an electronic bidding system that helps fulfill their purchasing needs efficiently and cost effectively. A team of experts creates detailed, reliable specifications and award criteria for supplies, equipment and contracted services.
The Cooperative Bidding and Purchasing website makes cooperative bid contract data available to participating districts, allows them to review the bid calendar, evaluate vendors and request additions to bid lists. Vendors can apply to join the vendor list, see new bid announcements, and submit bids online.
In addition, participants are offered a direct data-transfer utility, which sends bid pricing directly into their financial software for generation of purchase orders.
Michael R. Perina, Purchasing Agent
(516) 396-2240
Fax: (516) 997-1053
mperina@nasboces.orgAdditional Contact:
Lisa Schwartz, Deputy Purchasing Agent
(516) 396-2240
Fax: (516) 997-1053