Partners that work with us

  • Town of Hempstead- Hempstead Works

    Nassau BOCES provides 18-24 year-old at risk youth with services to gain skills necessary to be successful in the world of work. Participants will be interviewed and assessed to determine eligibility. Services are provided to Town of Hempstead residents.

    The Workforce Partnership – Oyster Bay/North Hempstead/Glen Cove Workforce Development Board

    Nassau BOCES provides 18-24 year old at risk youth with services to gain skills necessary to be successful in the world of work. tob Participants will be interviewed and assessed to determine eligibility. Services are provided to Town of Oyster Bay/North Hempstead/Glen Cove residents.

    ACCES-VR – Adult Career and Continuing Education Services- Vocational Rehabilitation

    Nassau BOCES provides individuals with disabilities services that include: Vocational assessment, Vocational training, Job readiness classes, and Job placement with coaching services. These services are provided to consumers in Nassau, Queens and Suffolk counties.

    For more information, contact: