Welcome to the Online Learning Academy!
Fully prepare your K-12 students for college and career by enrolling them in the courses they need.
What is OLA?
The Online Learning Academy; OLA for short, enables school districts to provide a variety of courses for which in - district faculty or facilities may not be available. It provides a remote learning option for Homebound or remote learners, enrollment in courses a district is not able to provide, opportunities for professional students who may be unable to complete full days onsite, and remote credit recovery options for students needing to complete courses outside of the school environment or beyond the school day. Students are able to enroll in a single course or a full course schedule.Enrolling a student in the Online Learning Academy and OLA will provide:- Course content for a variety of Core Content, Credit Recovery and Elective Courses: These courses are crafted for students to learn and respond to learning asynchronously (without direct instruction by the teacher).
- New York State Certified Teachers of Record: Online Learning Academy courses are facilitated by members of the Nassau BOCES Virtual Teacher of Record Team (VTRT). Teachers set due dates and complete the instructional plan students are to follow. Students work independently (on their own schedule). Teachers log in once per day to view/grade/give feedback on assignments. Teachers also have ongoing communication with students via Remind and eMail. Teachers meet with students once per week through scheduled Zoom sessions, either as a group or individually once per week during preset times.
- Ongoing Administrative oversight : The Nassau BOCES student mentor reviews student progress on a weekly basis. The Nassau BOCES student mentor partners with district-based mentors in support of student success.
Districts are also able to utilize OLA resources and assign in-district teacher facilitators.
All virtual courses that are facilitated by VTRT have been enhanced to include the following to help students transition to the virtual environment:
- A student/parent orientation, including an "Introduction to Online Learning" module
- Up to one-hour of weekly, virtual face-to-face sessions
- Ongoing virtual support (audio conversations, IM, email, etc.) facilitated by an OLA student mentor working in conjunction with student's district-based School Counselors
Registration Process:
- Registration begins when a student and their guidance counselor determine if the student is a good candidate for taking online courses. Learn more about what makes Good Candidate for Taking Online Classes here.
- Once student candidacy is determined, the guidance counselor and student should work together to select which courses they would like to take by viewing our course catalog.
- From here, they will need to contact their 'District Mentor' to complete enrollment. Learn more about who your District Mentor is here.
Cost: $710/semester/enrollment
- Credit Recovery Courses in all content areas.
- Original Credit Courses to help students get ahead (AP, PE/Health, Electives, World Language and more).
- A variety of electives courses to choose from; such as forensics, journalism, art and more.
*Prices above include Course Content, Facilitator Fees, and Nassau BOCES Fees, but not the cost of course materials
Online Learning Academy Course Drop/Extension Policy:
Drop Course:
Drop During First Two Weeks of Course Facilitation: $75
Drop After Two Weeks Course Facilitation: Full Cost
Course Extension(s):
$192 for a one-time five-week extension.
*Prices above include Nassau BOCES Course Content, Facilitator Fees, Teacher of Record, and Nassau BOCES Fees**In the event Nassau BOCES cannot provide an NYS Teacher of Record for a course requested, the student will be enrolled in AccellerateU; the statewide BOCES online learning collaboration. Additional fees may apply.CoSers: 409.010, 409.511, 409.030
Elisa A. Maggi, Supervisor
(516) 608-6638Eileen Dwyer, Program Coordinator
(516) 608-6624Katie Yodice, Program Specialist
(516) 608-6635Liz Bingham, Program Specialist
(516) 608-6628Robert Mascolo, Program Specialist
(516) 608-2050