Infinite Campus Support

  • Nassau BOCES Student Support Services Certified Coordinators provide customizable support for your student management system. We view every district as unique. There is no "one size fits all." Therefore, the work we do for each school district varies. We will furnish your district with on going phone, email support for district administrators, data administrators, etc. We also when necessary provide Web-Ex sessions to help facilitate your understanding of the system.

    Throughout the year we offer topical workshops to both refresh your knowledge and provide new users with professional development opportunities. Our workshops give your district staff the opportunity to enrich their functionality of the system. We will work with your district to customize on-site training and support. The semiannual user group meetings give you an opportunity to meet and share challenges and solutions with other districts.

    Our support is ever changing as it meets the needs of our districts. We welcome all suggestions for both enriching and improving our service.

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Infinite Campus
