Long Island Pre-K Initiative Partners and Useful Links

  • Long Island Pre-K Initiative Partners (click on agency name to get to their website)

    Western Suffolk BOCES
    The Western Suffolk Board of Cooperative Educational Services provides educational programs and opportunities to meet distinct needs within 18 local school districts. Western Suffolk BOCES helps school-age children and adults gain the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in the workplace and/or continue their studies in post-secondary institutions. Western Suffolk BOCES has an elected Board of seven representatives from the 210 square mile area that makes up the western Suffolk County towns of Babylon, Huntington and Smithtown.

    Eastern Suffolk BOCES
    Eastern Suffolk BOCES, an educational cooperative of 51 Long Island school districts, provides educational leadership, direct instruction, management, and support through quality, cost-effective instructional programs and shared services. These programs and services maximize educational and career opportunities for Long Island's diverse community of lifelong learners, both children and adults, and enhance the operational effectiveness of its schools. 

    Child Care Council of Nassau
    Child Care Council of Nassau, Inc. (CCCN) is a private, not-for-profit organization that has served the community since 1972. CCCN provides child care counseling and referrals to families, professional development and technical assistance to active and potential providers, and offers services to employers interested in the child care needs of employees and their families. Through research and support of child-care-friendly public policy and development, CCCN serves as an informational resource and public voice for issues facing Nassau County's diverse communities. 

    Child Care Council of Suffolk
    Child Care Council of Suffolk, Inc. is a non-profit community service agency. It collects and keeps information about all the different Long Island communities. The staff is in daily contact with providers of child care and parents seeking child care. Our database is the most detailed and complete resource about local child care options. We work with parents, providers, businesses and community groups to help make quality child care available to everyone in Suffolk County.

    Useful Links for Pre-K Professionals (click on agency name to get to their website)

    Alliance for Childhood - Research and advocacy that support children’s healthy development, love of learning, and joy in living.

    Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University - Focuses on the science of early childhood as a source of new ideas that could be used to develop more effective policies and services focused on the early years of life.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - A professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.

    National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) - Conducts and communicates research to support high-quality, effective early childhood education for all young children. The Institute offers independent, research-based advice and technical assistance to policymakers, journalists, researchers, and educators

    New York State Association for the Education of Young Children - A professional organization that promote excellence in early care and education for New York State children and families through education, advocacy and the support of the profession.

    New York State Early Childhood Advisory Council - The ECAC is comprised of experts in education, health care, child welfare, family support, and mental health, as appointed by the Governor.

    New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning

    New York Works for Children - New York State's integrated professional development system for early childhood and school age workforce.

    Parent-Child Home Program - An evidence-based early literacy, parenting, and school readiness model committed to closing the achievement gap by providing low-income families the skills and materials they need to prepare their children for school and life success.

    Zero to Three - A national, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development.

    Center for Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO). Research and events for birth through grade 3.

    Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA). Based at the University of North Carolina, ECTA is gateway to research on many areas of early learning.

    First Five Years Fund. Information and advocacy related to disadvantaged children from birth to age five.

    The Teaching Channel includes an early learning playlist that shows master teachers at work.


    American Library Association/Library Service to Children. Home of “Every Child Ready to Read,” a parent education initiative.

    International Literacy Association (ILA). This site features a wealth of materials. While most are focused on K-12, there also resources applicable to Pre-K, such as booklists and blog posts.

    Ready to Read at New York State Libraries. Resources for early learning in New York State, including materials for librarians and parents that can be adapted for use by early childhood educators.

    Seussville. Activities and events related to the beloved author. Includes guides for using Dr. Seuss titles as part of Read Across America Day.


    Center for Early Childhood Mental Health has developed a suite of materials to help teachers respond to problem behaviors.

    Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Located at Vanderbilt University, this federally funded resource offers training and many downloadable materials for classroom use.

    Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI). Supported by a federal grant, TACSEI develops free products based on research.