About Horticulture
Pamela Doyle - Environmental Education Teacher
Environmental lessons are aligned to the New York State Common Core Learning Standards. Units cover science, social studies and art themes. Props, vocabulary word boards, picture cards, text books, e-books, interactive games, smartboard, ipad and photos supplement all lessons. Individual student disabilities are addressed and adapted devices and equipment, hand-over-hand assistance and auditory switches are used to ensure optimal participation.
Students plant seeds and learn about cultivating a garden in the greenhouse and on our school campus. We grow vegetables including pumpkins, flowers and herbs. Lessons are taught about pet care and students help feed and clean the tanks and ponds for our fish, frogs, tortoises and turtles. We raise butterflies in the Spring and study a variety of animals throughout the year. They learn about the importance and impact of recycling on the environment and promote it in the building. Holidays and seasons cover social study units and students participate in special school-wide events to highlight the calendar and history.
Horticulture with Ms. Pam!
Environmental Education Horticulture