FOIL Request
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
Requests for information
Under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), individuals may request existing public records from the public agencies responsible for maintaining those records. Nassau BOCES has a designated Records Access Officer who is responsible for accepting and responding to FOIL requests.
To request existing public records, please select from the following options:
Enter your request using our online form.
When you submit this form, FOIL allows Nassau BOCES five business days to make the record(s) available, deny access to the record(s), or acknowledge receipt of your request and inform you of the time frame required to respond to your request.
Visit the New York State Committee on Open Government website for answers to frequently asked questions about FOIL.
Choose how to receive records
According to FOIL, public agencies are required to provide copies of records in the format and on the medium desired by the person filing the request if the agency can reasonably do so. Nassau BOCES provides records electronically, where possible, or as photocopies delivered by postal mail.
Please indicate your preference on the request form. If you would like to inspect the records in person, visit the George Farber Administrative Center located at 71 Clinton Road in Garden City. The center is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call (516) 396-2206 to make an appointment.
The agency will provide an estimate of all fees before a request is processed. All checks should be made out to Nassau BOCES and mailed to:
Nassau BOCES Records Access Officer
District Clerk
George Farber Administrative Center
71 Clinton Road, P.O. Box 9195
Garden City, NY 11530-9195