The Directory of Public Schools lists contact information for all public schools in Nassau County, including addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. The cost of the directory for individuals and corporations is $30; for schools, public agencies and nonprofit organizations, it's $25.
To order the 2023-2024 Directory of Public Schools, call the Nassau BOCES Graphic Arts and Printing Service, 516-396-2030, or use this order form (PDF).
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To order, complete the Directory of Public Schools order form (PDF) and return with payment to the Nassau BOCES Graphic Arts and Printing Service.
Thirteen students who won scholarships to attend the Nassau BOCES Long Island High School for the Arts (LIHSA) Summer Arts Academy, completed the four-week program prior to returning to their regular school year. Four are now current LIHSA students.
Hope Rencher is a certified speech and language pathologist with nearly 15 years of experience as an educator. Having served as both a teacher and administrator, she now brings her formidable skills as a special educator to the CCA leadership team.
Carman Road School has welcomed David Montuori, as their new Assistant Principal. David is a veteran educator with nearly 25 years of experience working with the special needs population.