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Iris Wolfson students and Compassion in Action team deliver holiday support to families

Thanks to the many generous food donations from individuals across the Agency, our incredible Nassau BOCES Iris Wolfson High School Food Pantry Crew was able to create 27 packages of non-perishable food items. These dedicated students took on the challenge of running their student-led food pantry with enthusiasm and care. They were responsible for organizing, taking inventory, and boxing up the donations for delivery to Long Island families. In support of our students during the extended Holiday recess, the Compassion in Action Committee generously contributed 27 $100 Stop & Shop gift cards to accompany these food packages.

A heartfelt thank you to the Nassau BOCES Curriculum, Instruction and Technology department and couriers for their seamless collaboration in transporting items to and from various Agency locations, ensuring everything reached our students just in time for the break. This initiative truly exemplifies the power of teamwork and highlights the Agency’s core values in action. Great job, everyone!

To learn more about this initiative and how you can participate, visit

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