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Long Island Technology and Education Summit provides educators with a platform for sharing innovative ideas and technology trends

For over a decade the Long Island Technology and Education Summit (LITES) has offered hundreds of ways for educators to connect with peers, technology experts and exhibitors. More than 60 speakers from school districts across Long Island shared their best practices and innovative uses of technology in the classroom. Topics covered drones, AI, graphic design and Makerspace. The keynote speaker, Carl Hooker, who spent the past 25 years in education as a teacher and administrator focused on the thoughtful integration of technology and innovation in schools.

 The annual summit is presented by all three Long Island BOCES—Nassau, Western Suffolk and Eastern Suffolk and NYSCATE and spotlights the use of technology to advance student learning, creativity and innovative thinking using digital tools and resources.

 “To meet the needs of Long Island Educators, this year’s Long Island Technology and Education Summit focused on a new era of learning where the use of artificial intelligence is growing and becoming a part of our everyday lives,” said Matthew DiMenna, Nassau BOCES Supervisor, Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology and longtime member of LITES organizing committee. “This year’s LITES provided teachers and administrators with inspiring ways to immerse innovative technologies into their instructional practices.”

 The summit is packed with opportunities for attendees to exchange ideas, see new innovations and trends, and build relationships with people who share the same passion and challenges.

 At the Summit Daniel L. Friedman, Director of Educational Technology and Grants at Hicksville Public Schools and Christine Maniscalco, Library Media Specialist at West Islip High School were honored with the Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation in Technology Awards. The awards are named in memory of the longtime director of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology at Nassau BOCES, who was a firm believer in the impact technology could have on student learning and was the founder of the Long Island Technology and Education Summit.

Visit to see videos of the winners and photos from the event.

Two men wearing suits, smiling in front of a large projected image.

Daniel L. Friedman, (right) Director of Educational Technology and Grants at Hicksville Public Schools accepts the Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation in Technology Visionary Award from Nassau BOCES District Superintendent/CEO Larry J. Leaven.

Two women smiling, one is holding a newly received award.

Christine Maniscalco, (right) Library Media Specialist at West Islip High School accepts the Fred Podolski Leadership and Innovation in Technology Most Innovative Use of Technology Award from Eastern Suffolk BOCES Associate Superintendent for Educational Services Claudy Damus-Makelele.

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