Health & Safety
Accurate as of August 31, 2021
Reopening Mandatory Requirements
Reopening Student & Staff Survey Results
Nassau BOCES has reviewed all building spaces both instructional and administrative and will use the appropriate combination of social distancing, face coverings and barriers as deemed necessary for in-person instruction. Appropriate signage has been installed and on-going education for protection protocols will be emphasized.
Classroom Capacity
Working with Facilities and Safety Teams we have gathered information about class size in relation to recommended square footage for physical distancing. Some of the measures implemented, where practicable, include:
- We have rearranged student desks and other seat spaces to at least 3 feet apart. Individuals will maintain 6 feet of distance while eating.
- We have turned desks to face in the same direction (rather than facing each other) to reduce transmission caused from virus-containing droplets (e.g., from talking, coughing, sneezing).
- When using tables, we will have students sit on only one side of tables, spaced 6 feet apart.
- If deemed necessary, programs may repurpose the use of the following large spaces: auditorium, gymnasium, libraries, cafeteria, and teacher and/or student lounge.
Social Distancing
Where practicable, both students and staff will be protected through social distancing (6 feet in all directions) or barriers.
PPE & Face Covering Availability
- The Agency will provide employees with an acceptable face covering at no-cost to the employee and have an adequate supply of coverings in case of replacement.
- Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected (many people carry COVID-19 but do not have symptoms).
- Cloth face coverings are not surgical masks, respirators, or personal protective equipment.
- Information should be provided to staff and students on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.
- Masks are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult.
- Procurement, other than some very basic preliminary purchases will be done on a consolidated basis to ensure that the Agency is getting the most for its PPE dollars.
- Teach and reinforce use of face coverings among all staff.
- We have encouraged all staff to utilize their own personal face coverings but have secured and will provide PPE for any employee requesting such protection. Specialized PPE (N95s, face shields, gowns, gloves, etc.) may be required for specific work tasks and will be provided as deemed necessary. Those individuals that are required to wear N95 respirators will be fit-tested and medically screened prior to use to assure they are physically able to do so. We will work in partnership with the Nassau University Medical Center to provide this capability. Parents will also be encouraged to provide face coverings for students however, face coverings will be provided for any student that cannot provide their own.
Availability of Safe Transportation
Where practicable, students will be socially distanced on the bus and when boarding the bus. Details are provided in the Transportation section.
Local Health Department
We will continue to work closely with the Nassau County Department of Health and the liaison that will be assigned to Nassau County School Districts to determine local hospital capacity. We will also continue to communicate with the NCDOH Communicable Disease Division for guidance at 516-227-9639 during work hours and 516-742-6154 after hours.
The following state and local links must be used to stay abreast of local hospital capacity:
Stakeholder Engagement and Communications
Please see the Communication & Engagement section for information on “Communication and Family Engagement”.
Symptoms Identification Requirement
In collaboration with the Nassau BOCES Medical Director, we have established the procedures below in order to instruct staff on how to observe signs and symptoms of illness in students/staff. Symptomatic individuals will be sent to the school buildings nurse’s office for isolation when necessary. Training for staff will be provided as described in our Communication & Engagement section.
COVID-19 can look different in different people. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
This list does not include all possible symptoms. CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19. Symptoms of Coronavirus on the CDC Website➚.
Health Office COVID-19 Screening & Isolation Room Requirement
Health Offices located in each school/program play a critical role in providing the necessary mitigation supports to students and staff by:
- Adhering to CDC, NYSED and NYSDOH guidelines for Health and Safety will be expected of all employees, visitors and others entering a Nassau BOCES facility. Students will comply where possible.
- Updating Substitute Nurse Manual to reflect changes in protocols.
- Implementing assessment and intervention will be based upon the First Aide Protocol developed and approved by the Nassau BOCES Medical Director.
- Reviewing students’ immunization status, need for a mandated physical exam, development of a medical alerts list, etc. according to the usual procedure for starting the school year.
- The Health Record for every new student will be sent to Health Office for review prior to the student coming to school.
- Identifying private duty nursing agencies serving our students and inform them of new protocols for building admittance, and performance of procedures.
- Health Office protocols will be updated as needed based upon new guidance from the CDC, NYSDOH, NYSED and the Nassau BOCES Medical Director.
- Explore, identify and utilize a system of Health Office automation in the Nassau BOCES school programs.
COVID-19 Symptoms Referral-Student & Staff
Any student or staff suspected of exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will be immediately sent to the Health Office to be assessed by the school nurse. The school nurse will assess their symptoms and determine if the student and staff should be sent home for follow-up with a healthcare provider. When necessary, the nurses will also contact the medical director to assist the assessment of the symptoms. Students and/or staff with confirmed symptoms will immediately be transferred to the Isolation Room.
Isolation Room Guidelines
- All programs must have an Isolation Room located in the school building.
- Work with school administrators, nurses, and other healthcare providers to identify an isolation room or area to separate anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive but does not have symptoms.
- Establish a protocol for identification of possible COVID illness, criteria for isolation and for sending students and others home, criteria and protocol for return to school and reporting to building COVID contact person according to latest CDC, NYSDOH and NYSED and approval of the Medical Director:
- Immediately separate staff and children with COVID-19 symptoms (such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath) at school.
- Staff assigned to students must wear gloves, a facemask and maintain 6 feet physical distance
- Individuals who are sick must go home or to a healthcare facility depending on how severe their symptoms are
- If calling an ambulance or bringing someone to a healthcare facility, alert them ahead that the person may have COVID-19
- School nurses and other healthcare providers should use Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions➚ when caring for sick people. See: What Healthcare Personnel Should Know About Caring for Patients with Confirmed or Possible COVID-19 Infection➚.
- Establish procedures for safely transporting anyone who is sick to their home or to a healthcare facility. If you are calling an ambulance or bringing someone to the hospital, try to call first to alert them that the person may have COVID-19.
- Close off areas used by a sick person and do not use these areas until after cleaning and disinfecting. Wait at least 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible
- Advise sick individuals that they should not return to school until they have met CDC, NYSDOH and NYSED criteria to discontinue home isolation.
Confirmed COVID-19 Notification
- Immediately notify the COVID-19 Administrator for your building of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality.
Return to School Guidelines
- Confirmed cases of COVID-19 must have a note from a physician clearing them to return to school.
- Review CDC's What to Do If You Are Sick➚ (See section- How to Discontinue Home Isolation)
- Follow current federal, state, and local guidance CDC, NYSED and
- Consult with Nassau BOCES Medical Director in decision-making for return to school in specific cases.
Mitigation Measures
Space Assessment
- Assess space allocation in each health office. If current arrangement is not adequate:
- Can layout of room be changed to better accommodate Social Distancing?
- Can washable partitions be utilized to create barriers to spread of droplets?
- Must a larger space be located?
- Locate an isolation room, separate from the Health Office, for use when students or staff members become ill at school. Identify additional staff who will monitor individuals in isolation.
- Assess the need for a treatment room, separate locations for the performance of aerosolized droplet producing procedures such as nebulizer and suctioning that can be quickly cleaned.
- Update protocols to reflect treatment to be given in a separate location.
- Communicate with Facilities regarding the need for timely cleaning and include in protocol.
- Revise Private Duty Nurse Guidelines to reflect the updated protocols.
PPE Assessment
- There will be adequate, appropriate PPE available and secured for agency use.
- Assess unique supply needs in each location:
- Order and distribute PPE based upon student enrollment and need for special care.
- Order and distribute other supplies such as thermometers and pillowcases according to anticipated need.
- Reassess usage of supplies on an ongoing basis. Develop a system for tracking inventory and reporting.
- Identify a secure, accessible storage area in each location.
- Reassess for supply needs according to inventory tracking and reporting system.
Medication Orders Assessment
- Review all medication orders:
- Parents and/or prescribers will be contacted prior to orders expiration date to obtain updated, accurate documentation.
- Parents will be contacted to bring in adequate amounts of medication to cover the student’s time in school. (Ideally the medication would come in before the first day.)
- Hand sanitizer notice should be sent out to parents. A declination of permission to use sanitizer will be noted on the medical alerts list.
Student Treatment Assessment
- Identify those students going to work sites or on educational trips who have a need for additional/special accommodations/treatments while off of school grounds.
- Identify those students who have orders for suctioning and/or oxygen.
- Identify those students who have orders for nebulizer treatment:
- Parents and prescribers will be contacted to explore the option of giving treatments off of school hours.
- Parents and prescribers will be contacted to discuss the potential use of valve mask spacers at school instead of nebulizers.
Treatment Room Guidelines
- Programs which have students in need of nebulizer treatments, suctioning, changing and etc. must establish a Treatment Room
- Nurses must use the Treatment Room as well as wear gloves, an N95 facemask, and eye protection when provided treatment(s)
- Staff should be trained on proper donning and doffing procedures and follow the CDC guidance regarding precautions when performing aerosol-generating procedures.
- Nebulizer treatments should be performed in a space that limits exposure to others and with minimal staff present.
- Rooms should be well ventilated
- After the use of the nebulizer, the room should undergo routine cleaning and disinfection.
- Provide orientation to Private Duty nurses on current guidelines and protocols.
- Provide in-services to Health Office staff and substitute nurses regarding current CDC, NYSDOH and NYSED guidance regarding appropriate use of PPE, identification of possible COVID illness, criteria for isolation and for sending students and others home, criteria and protocol for return to school, reporting to building COVID contact person, etc.
- Assess space allocation in each health office. If current arrangement is not adequate:
Visitors must adhere to the following mitigation strategies:
- All visitors/volunteers must have an appointment.
- Visitors will also attest to having pre-screened on the day of their appointment prior to arriving at the building. The same process will be followed as defined in our Screening Section above.
- Health and Safety Requirements:
- Must follow the 6-foot social distancing mandate
- Must complete the COVID 19 attestation before being granted entry
- Health and Safety Requirements:
- If the visitor is denied entry, the building administrator will be informed and an email notification will be sent to Human Resources at
- Contractors will be required to submit their New York Forward Plan to us prior to entering or beginning work in any of our buildings
COVID-19 Written Parent Notification Requirement
The following information will be utilized to instruct parents on recognizing signs of illness:
Hand and Respiratory Hygiene Requirement
Hand Hygiene Guidelines
- Teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and increase monitoring to ensure adherence among campers and staff.
Encourage staff and students to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Used tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands washed immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. - If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol can be used (for staff and older students who can safely use hand sanitizer).
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer placed in any building will require a prescription from our Medical Director
- Hand sanitizer will be placed in every classroom without a sink.
- Student use of the hand sanitizer will always be conducted under supervision
- Hand sanitizer will be available if signing children in or out on an electronic device.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed near all entry doors and other high-traffic areas.
- Sanitizer stations at the Farber, Lupinskie and Haskett buildings are located in high traffic areas:
- Elevators
- Building main entrances
- Other designated areas
- Classrooms with existing handwashing stations will not require alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
- For elementary students, designate times on the schedule to take students out of the classroom to wash hands with soap and water, including, at a minimum:
- Whenever children enter the classroom
- Before and After snacks and/or lunch
- After using the toilet
- After sneezing, wiping, and blowing noses
Respiratory Hygiene guidelines
- Students and staff cover their mouths or noses with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of the tissue appropriately
- Office and classrooms will be provided with a supply of tissues and no touch/floor pedal trash cans will be available in each room when feasible.
- If no tissue is available, using the inside of the elbow (or shirtsleeve) to cover the mouth or nose is preferable to using the hands. Always perform hand hygiene after sneezing, coughing and handling dirty tissues or other soiled material.
See COVID-19 Safety Signage in our Communication & Engagement section.
- Teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and increase monitoring to ensure adherence among campers and staff.
Physical Distancing Requirements
Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing:
- Ensure at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) of distance between students and teachers/staff and between teachers/staff, unless safety or core function of the activity (e.g., instruction) requires a shorter distance. The CDC recommends that schools maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance between students in classrooms, combined with indoor mask wearing to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. When masks cannot be worn, (e.g. eating), 6 feet of physical distance should be maintained.
- Post physical distancing markers using tape or signs that denote 6 feet of spacing in commonly used and other applicable areas.
- Ensure that student and staff groupings are as static as possible by having the same group of students stay with the same staff.
- All administrators are encouraged to think creatively about all opportunities to increase social distance between office staff, teachers and students in the following areas:
- Main Office
- Nurse’s Office
- Hallways
- Bathrooms
- Classrooms (i.e., desks, cots, carpet times)
- Due to the inability to maintain physical distancing the following activities will occur in the classroom. Cohort system will be utilized:
- Art
- Library
- Music
- Physical Education
- Ensure 6 feet between individuals while participating in activities that require projecting the voice (e.g. singing), playing a wind instrument, or participating in aerobic activity (e.g. gym classes).
- Restrict facility use by outside groups. For the short term, the agency will not consider sharing program occupied space with outside groups.
- Strictly limit gatherings where physical distance cannot be maintained
- Pursue virtual group events, gatherings, or meetings, if possible, and promote social distancing of at least 6 feet between people if events are held. Limit group size to the extent possible: athletic practices/events, clubs/co-curricular activities, faculty meetings, field trips, Parent-Teacher Conferences, school-wide parent events, specials performance, student shows/concerts, student spirit nights, Superintendent’s Conference Day, Skills USA, Transition Expo and work-based learning/internships.
Vulnerable Populations / Accommodations Requirement
The following groups are at increased risk for complications from COVID-19 and may need added or alternative provisions for social distancing. Students who have family members who are in high-risk groups may also need to attend school remotely. Upon receipt of medical documentation, schools will make the necessary accommodations in the school community.
Persons in these groups should consult with their healthcare provider regarding prevention:
- Individuals age 65 or older
- Pregnant individuals
- Individuals with underlying health conditions including, but not limited to:
- chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
- serious heart conditions
- immunocompromised
- severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 or higher)
- diabetes
- chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
- liver disease
- sickle cell anemia
- children who are medically complex, who have neurologic, genetic, metabolic conditions, or who have congenital heart disease are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 than other children.
Students with special needs or students who are medically fragile may not be able to maintain social distancing, hand or respiratory hygiene, or wear a face covering or mask. It is important for parents/ guardians to work with their child’s healthcare providers so that an informed decision can be made on how best to meet the child’s needs at school while protecting their health and safety. Transitioning these students back to school requires:
- Planning and coordination of:
- school health services personnel
- special education personnel
- pupil personnel services and
- administration.
- Being aware that such families are already under significant stress and COVID-19 has made their situations more critical.
Alternate plans created in consultation with school health personnel on how to meet the needs of the child while keeping social distancing may include:
- Additional PPE for staff caring for such students
- Assigning only one staff member to care for the students and/or
- Decreased students in a classroom, alternating schedules, and provision of related services to an individual instead of group setting.
Finally, if the parents/guardians choose not to send their child back to school, schools will need to provide instruction remotely.
- Reopening plans will include policies regarding vulnerable populations, including students, faculty and staff who are at increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness to allow them to safely participate in educational activities and, where appropriate, accommodate their specific circumstances (pending medical documentation).
- These accommodations may include but are not limited to:
- remote learning or telework
- modified educational or work settings
- providing additional PPE
We will keep accessibility in mind and must also identify and describe any modifications to social distancing or PPE that may be necessary for certain student or staff populations, including individuals who have hearing impairment or loss, students receiving language services, and young students in early education programs, ensuring that any modifications minimize COVID-19 exposure risk for students, faculty, and staff, to the greatest extent possible.
Face Coverings and Personal Protective Equipment
How to Select
When selecting a mask, there are many choices. Here are some dos and don’ts as recommended by the CDC:
DO choose masks that
Have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric
Completely cover your nose and mouth
Fit snugly against the sides of your face and don’t have gaps
Have a nose wire to prevent air from leaking out of the top of the mask
DO NOT choose masks that
Are made of fabric that makes it hard to breathe, for example, vinyl
Have exhalation valves or vents which allow virus particles to escape
Are intended for healthcare workers, including N95 respirators
Cold weather gear
Wear your scarf, ski mask or balaclava over your mask Scarves, ski masks and balaclavas are not substitutes for masks
About Face Coverings
- COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
- These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
- Studies and evidence on infection control report that these droplets usually travel around 6 feet (about two arms lengths).
- Programs will provide acceptable face coverings to staff who directly interact with students or members of the public while at work at no cost to staff and provide face coverings to any student who does not have their own, at no cost to the student.
- Face coverings should NOT be used by children under the age of 2, or for anyone who has trouble breathing, unable to remove the covering without assistance, is unable to medically tolerate such covering, including students where such covering would impair their health or mental health, or where such covering would present a challenge, distraction, or obstruction to education services and instruction.
- For individuals who have difficulty with wearing a cloth face covering and it is not medically contraindicated to wear a face covering, behavior techniques and social skills stories can be used to assist in adapting to wearing a face covering.
- Acceptable face coverings for COVID-19 include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings and surgical masks that cover both the mouth and nose.
- For information about instances in which face coverings may be required, please refer to the NYSDOH Quarantine and Isolation Table.
- Don’t put the covering around your neck or up on your forehead.
- Don’t touch the face covering, and, if you do, wash your hands.
- School Administrators will distribute face shields and/or face coverings that are transparent at or around the mouth on a case by case basis (i.e., for therapies or interventions that require visualization of the movement of the lips and/or mouths).
- These alternate coverings may also be used for certain students (e.g. hearing impaired) that benefit from being able to see more of the employee’s face.
- Staff will implement desensitization protocols to encourage students to tolerate masks.
- Cloth face coverings should adhere to the Agency’s standards of civility, courtesy and respect. Any attire that contains and/or promotes vulgar, offensive, obscene, and/or threatening language/imagery/symbols, or otherwise is likely to incite violence and/or disrupt the school environment, is prohibited.
Taking Off Cloth Face Covering Carefully
- Untie the strings behind your head or stretch the ear loops
- Handle only by the ear loops or ties
- Fold outside corners together
- Place covering in the washing machine (learn more about How to Wash Cloth Face Coverings➚)
- Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing.
Source: CDC guidance on How to Wear Masks➚
PPE Supply Management
Centralized purchasing will be used when possible. Both charts below are guidance and are subject to change.
Disposal Face Coverings Supplies
- Initial recommended quantities per 100 individuals per group per school
Group Quantity per 100 per group 12-week supply at 100% Attendance 12-week supply at 50% Attendance 12-week supply at 25% Attendance Assumptions Students 100 masks per week 1,200 600 300 1 disposable mask per week per student (to supplement the cloth masks provided by parent/guardian). Teachers and other staff 500 6,000 3,000 1,500 5 disposable masks per week per teacher. School nurses and health providers 1,000 12,000 6,000 3,000 10 disposable masks per week per school nurse. High-Intensity Contact with Students Supplies
Item 1-week Supply for 1 staff 12-week supply Assumptions Disposable Nitrile Gloves 10 120 10 pairs disposable nitrile gloves per week, per staff. Disposable Gowns 10 120 10 disposable gowns per week, per staff. Eye Protection 2 n/a 2 re-usable eye protection per staff total. Face Shields 2 n/a 2 reusable face shields per staff total. Waste Disposal Medium 1 n/a 1 unit per staff total. N-95 Ventilating Masks* 10 120 10 N-95 masks per week, per staff. *Note: N-95 masks are recommended only if staff will be in contact with a suspected COVID-19 positive case and/or performing aerosol-generating procedures. Those employees required to wear N95 respirators will need to be fit tested and medically evaluated in order to determine if the employee is capable of wearing an N95 respirator without impacting their health.
The recommendations shown in the charts above are illustrative and may not reflect the actual PPE needs for Nassau BOCES.
Confirmed COVID-19 Case Requirements
Instructional programs must be prepared for COVID-19 outbreaks in their local communities and for individual exposure events to occur in their facilities, regardless of the level of community transmission. Nassau BOCES has adapted the CDC's decision tree to help schools determine which set of mitigation strategies may be most appropriate for their current situation.
Decision Tree: What To Do If A Student Becomes Sick Or Reports A New COVID-19 Diagnosis At School
This decision tree was adapted by Nassau BOCES from the CDC's COVID-19 Diagnosis at School guidance. Download the Decision Tree: What To Do If A Student Becomes Sick Or Reports A New COVID-19 Diagnosis At School ⭳.
CDC and NYSDOH Recommendations:
- Closing off areas used by a sick person and not using these areas until after cleaning and disinfection has occurred
- Opening outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area
- Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, such as offices, classrooms, bathrooms, lockers, and common areas.
- Once the area has been appropriately cleaned and disinfected it can be reopened for use.
- Individuals without contact with the person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 can return to the area and resume school activities immediately after cleaning and disinfection.
- If more than 7 days have passed since the person who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 visited or used the facility, additional cleaning or disinfection is not necessary, but routine cleaning and disinfection should continue.
Return to School After Illness:
Schools must follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) with COVID-19 they can return to school:
- Once there is no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours;
- If they have been diagnosed with another condition and have a healthcare provider written note stating that they are clear to return to school.
If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home until:
- It has been at least 10 days since the individual first had symptoms
- It has been at least three days since the individual has had a fever (without using fever reducing medicine) and
- It has been at least three days since the individual’s symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath.
Individuals that are isolating may return to the building 5 days out from the start of the symptoms, being fever-free for 24 hours, and symptoms have improved. (See CDC chart above).
School Safety Drills Requirement
Districts or other applicable schools shall conduct standard operations and procedures to the best of their abilities without deviating from current requirements. Fire (evacuation) Drills and Lockdown Drills are required by Education Law (12 drills including 8 evacuation drills to be completed by December 31st and 4 lockdown drills) and the Fire Code (1 evacuation drill every month of the calendar year). Such drills must be conducted without exceptions. Methods to promote and provide for social distancing during the evacuation and lockdown drills are ultimately the district’s or other applicable school’s decision and responsibility. Those changes must be included in their Safety Plans.
Fire and Lockdown Drills
Evacuation (Fire) Drills will be conducted in a manner that regardless of what in-person educational model is utilized all groups of students will participate in the drill. This means that split schedules or alternate day education will need to provide evacuation drills in a manner that all students are included. In some instances, this may result in more drills (possibly double) the number of normally required drills in order to cover all students. In order to maintain social distancing, evacuation of the entire building at one time may not be possible. Each building Principal/Administrator will determine based, on total building attendance, the best practice for their site which may include: (1) Due to reduced building occupancy following the usual evacuation process; (2) Conduct drills with each split schedule group; (3) For total in-building occupancy conduct drills in limited portions of the building until the entire building is complete and (4) Any alternate combination which will reduce the number of students evacuating the building at any given time. Evacuation locations outside the building will be supervised by each teacher to avoid congregation and maintain social distancing while maintaining security and control over the class they supervise. In the event of an actual evacuation social distancing will not be the priority.
Lockdown Drills will not be able to be conducted in the normal manner and students will refrain from gathering in corners of the classroom. Instead, the normal lockdown drill procedure will be initiated over the loudspeaker or other defined notification method, but students will remain in their seats. The classroom teacher will explain the reason for a lockdown and the normal process that would take place. Time will be given for questions and answers. The lockdown drill will end with a loudspeaker announcement explaining that if it was a real event a Police Officer would be coming to every classroom to release students. This concept will be reinforced by the classroom teacher. As noted for evacuation drills, regardless of the educational in-person model utilized, all students in every group will need to participate. It should be noted that in the event of an actual lockdown the normal lockdown procedures will be followed and social distancing will not be the priority.
NYSED School Bus Drills
Three bus drills must be completed this school year: during the first seven days of school, between November 1 and December 31, and between March 1 and April 30. The drills may be modified to prevent transmission.
School Program Guidelines
Before and Aftercare Programs
Nassau BOCES does not run any before or after school care programs.
COVID-19 Administrator Requirements
Nassau BOCES has designated a COVID-19 Administrator, for each of its schools, whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels.
The administrator shall be the main contact upon the identification of positive COVID-19 cases and are responsible for subsequent communication. Administrators shall be responsible for answering questions from students, faculty, staff, and parents or legal guardians of students regarding the COVID-19 public health emergency and plans implemented by the school.
School/Program COVID-19 Administrator Contact # Barry Tech Dr. William Poll 516-622-6805 GC Tech Madelaine Hackett 516-604-4210 GC Tech Caitriona O'Neill 516-604-4215 LIHSA Laura Vega 516-622-5670 LIHSA Lindsay Rogan 516-622-5677 Center for Community Adjustment Jeannine Stutz 516-396-2900 Iris Wolfson HS Lisa Paolucci 516-626-6710 Career High Prep Easton Hazell 516-629-4410 Carman Road School Gina DaRocha 516-608-6200 Children's Readiness Center Jennifer Gielarowski 516-719-6070 Jerusalem Avenue School Dr. Shaundrika Langley-Grey 516-608-6310 Preschool @ Barry Tech Gina DaRocha 516-622-5763 Robert Williams School Heather Soffer 516-802-4010 Rosemary Kennedy School Matthew Zegers 516-396-2610 Willet Avenue School Margot Owen 516-719-6070 Seaman Neck MS Christine Nardi 516-719-6004 Hearing & Deaf Infant Program Kim Scharoff 516-396-2930 Vision Leslie David 516-622-6995