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Work-Based Learning - Partnerships with Employers
At the very heart of GC Tech are our partnerships with business and industry that help to direct our curriculum, ensure our equipment and facilities are up-to-date, and mentor students in work-based learning programs. They also give scholarships and awards, and hire graduates.
GC Tech students have the opportunity to reinforce and apply what they learn in the classroom in real-world work programs. All programs follow the guidelines established by the New York State Departments of Education and Labor, and are supervised by a certified work-experience teacher-coordinator.
Work-Based Learning Opportunities
This non-paid, teacher supervised, work-based learning activity is part of the required curriculum. Students participate in on-the-job training/instruction at a hospital, nursing home, school or other program-related institution. Students interact with business and industry people in a real-world supervised clinical setting.
Co-op (Cooperative Occupational Educational Program)
Second year students who meet the eligibility criteria may be recommended by their Career and Technical Education teacher to participate in this program. Co-op students are excused from their Technical Education program on predetermined days in order to report to a program-related work place sponsor, where they follow an approved supervised training plan. Students apply classroom learning while earning wages and work experience. Advantages of Co-Op Include: - Practical application of classroom instruction- On-the-job occupational training under professional supervision- Learning/using industry technology and procedures- Student success promoted through supervision and evaluation by school and business sponsors- School-to-work link for continuing employment after graduation.
Work Site Tours and Shadowing
Classes visit business and industry sites or attend professional trade events. In addition, some students may spend one or two days shadowing an employee for a specific event, to gain an awareness of what the job entails and to observe the work environment.
Internship Program
This non-paid, work-based learning activity is extended to first and second year students who meet the eligibility criteria. It offers the student-intern advantages similar to the co-op program, except that on-the-job experience is of shorter duration. Students observe, interact and assist the sponsor in their career education field while gaining work experience.
Speakers: Business Partners/Advisory Board Consultants
Teachers invite industry-specific speakers to address students on pertinent topics and trends. Each program meets with Advisory Board Members/consultants to develop and align curriculum with the latest industry technologies and procedures. Sponsors and Mentors of work-based learning programs are recognized at the Annual Distinguished Industry Partners Recognition Breakfast hosted by students and faculty.