• Welcome To Cosmetology

    Teacher:  Mr. Dan Auriemma
    Email address: dauriemma@.nasboces.org

    Mr. Auriemma has taught cosmetology for over 20 years and has been in the field for over 30 years. In addition to teaching Cosmetology, Mr. Auriemma is a certified New York State Cosmetology License Examiner. As a seasoned teacher, I also recognize that family involvement is an important component of student’s success. A student’s education is a shared responsibility that encompasses commitment of the entire staff of our school, parents and the student. As the teacher I look forward to and am dependent on this collaborative model.

Our Mission

  • The cosmetology student is our department’s reason for being. I realize students have diverse backgrounds and needs. The teacher and the students in my care have a challenge and obligation to accept these differences and support each other. Utilizing the skills they receive through cosmetology training the expectation is that all students will become productive citizens. 

    This task requires and is dependent upon creating a safe and secure environment where all behavior is consistent with professional cosmetology practice. The desire for a quality of life in our classroom compels me to teach, model and expect students to be reasonable, productive and appropriate. 

    "When we allow our minds to be open and become conscious of the needs of the people around us, we become more aware of the goodness in ourselves."  

     Let these words guide you as you acquire new skills, make new friends, and enjoy your time in our class.  -Mr. A. 



hair cut