Welcome to Fashion Design Technology

Welcome to Fashion
  • Teacher: Deanna Costello
    Email address: dcostello@nasboces.org
    Fashion is an exciting area of study with many career opportunities. The Fashion Design Technology Course will give you an overview of the fashion industry during a 900 hour program with the emphasis on the creative end of Fashion Design.

    The  first year will introduce you to the workings and vocabulary of the fashion industry. You will be learning about the various styles and design detail of garments and how to draw them to create a fashion design sketch. You will also learn the techniques for garment construction using industrial sewing machines and production techniques used in the fashion industry and studies in textiles
    The second year will be expanding your knowledge of the fashion industry and  the influences on the development of styles. You will be studying the history of fashion, pattern-making, draping,advanced garment construction techniques and development of a designer portfolio.