General Education Services

  • Outdoor and Environmental Education

    Craig Gielarowski, Program Specialist
    (516) 608-6613

    Outdoor and Environmental Education programs engage students of all ages with an emphasis on exploration with a hands-on approach. Whether addressing the Dignity Act through our challenge courses or investigating Long Island ecology while at Caumsett, a local beach or aboard a fishing boat… we have programs to meet all students' curricular needs.


    Arts in Education/Exploratory Enrichment

    Joanne Spencer, Supervisor
    (516) 396-2345

    Arts in Education offers a wide range of programs that support and enrich the school curriculum, integrate the arts into education at all levels, and support the NYS Arts Standards. Activities in music, dance, drama, writing, and the visual and media arts may include visits to cultural institutions, in-school performances, workshops and artist-in-residencies, tickets to theaters, the development of arts-in-education curricula, student and teacher materials associated with arts activities, and professional development for arts educators.

    Exploratory Enrichment provides experiences both in-school and at institutions that enhance traditional classroom instruction and provides an interactive means of reinforcing learning, using imagination and creative thinking. These activities support academic standards for Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Career Development, Environmental Education, Health and Character Education.


    Language Programs and Assessment Services

    Don Brosnan, Supervisor
    (516) 396-2483

    The LOTE Program enables Nassau County school districts to expand their foreign (second) language offerings. This program provides part-time, itinerant teachers of languages other than English (LOTE).

    Language Programs provide direct instruction services to Limited English Proficient students in grades Pre-K through 12 and in special education. Included in these offerings are daily, comprehensive programs in English as a Second Language (ESL), or content area support.

    Assessment Services provide Bilingual psychological, educational and speech/ language evaluations in approximately 40 languages. Related services include social histories, consultations, interpretations for Committee on Special Education (CSE) and other meetings and translations of letters and other school documents. Screenings of new entrant/ kindergarten, and scoring and proctoring of native language Regents examinations are also provided.