Social Studies Programs

  • BV Log cabin Homestead Ecology
    Homestead Ecology programs give students a hands-on learning experience through participation in Early American craft activities and the nature trail systems. With comparisons to modern day living, this program helps students to develop an appreciation of the colonial lifestyle and comparative technologies.

    cider pressApple Cider Making (Fall Only)
    Using a cider press, students make apple cider and discuss the importance of the apple in the diet of the early settlers.

    blacksmith and anvil Blacksmithing
    The blacksmith played an important role in the Early American community. Students are instructed in the techniques and tools used at the forge and have the opportunity to work on a group project.

    twig broom Broom making
    Students construct an old-fashioned broom using natural materials including broomcorn (sorghum vulgaris), which was grown by early homesteaders.

    candle dipping Candlemaking
    Students make a traditional hand-dipped taper and learn the history and importance of candling in Colonial America.

    corn husk doll making Corn Husk Dolls
    Students construct their own corn husk dolls while comparing their lives with children growing up on Long Island 100 years ago.

    outdoor cooking Outdoor Cooking
    Students prepare a recipe implementing techniques used by the early pioneers. Emphasis is placed on simple cooking techniques, fire building and safety.

    log cabin in snow Pioneer Construction: The Log Cabin
    The techniques employed in constructing a log cabin and its furnishings are emphasized. Early American tools, such as axes, drawknives, gouges and adzes, are used.

    using a bow and drill Native Americans / Primitive Technologies
    The skills, customs and games of Long Island's first inhabitants are explored through hands-on activities such as stalking, cooking, storytelling, and the use of primitive tools.    



  • CoSer: 401.510

    Craig Gielarowski, Program Coordinator

    Brookville Environmental Center
    (516) 396-2265