Family Resources
Welcome to the Carman Road School Family Resource Page!
We believe it's important to keep our community close and informed, and we're excited to stay connected with our families. We're committed to reaching out to our families and students with meaningful and relevant content. Our mission is stronger than ever, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
We hope you find these resources helpful. Throughout the year, we'll be seeking your feedback, ideas, and contributions to make this page even better.
At Carman Road, we all have somebody to lean on 💜
Family Resources
Parent Support Meetings
What is a Parent Support Meeting?
Our Parent Support Meetings are participant led meetings facilitated by a PPS member. We acknowledge that each parent and/or family of a child with special needs approaches their situation in their own unique way.
Having the support and understanding of other parents and families who have walked in your shoes can provide a priceless measure of comfort and connection.
Sharing experiences, suggestions and resources can help relieve some of the stress you may feel. Sometimes, it just helps to connect with someone who wants to listen because they've "been there."
Become a Support Family
Families Helping Families - Become a Support Family
Q: What is a Support Family?
A: Families who offer to speak, support and teach other families are referred to as "Support Families".
Q: How do we become a Support Family?
A: All our families will be contacted in the near future to consider volunteering to becoming a Support Family.
Q: What kind of support does a Support Family offer?
A: A Support Family will provide emotional support and information to families of individuals with disabilities or other special needs. A Support Family provides a safe listening environment and can be a wealth of information to other families. Listening is a priority.
Through our developing matching program, we offer parents and other caregivers the opportunity to connect one-to-one with a family or other caregiver of an individual with the same or similar disability or special health care need -- someone who has "been there". Generally, parent to parent support is via telephone conversations between parents. Carman Road School will be available to facilitate virtual meetings and to supply any follow-up and/or resources necessary.
Support Families are key support to families of individuals with disabilities or special health care needs.
Parent Training Meetings
Virtual Parent Training at CRS
Carman Road School is committed to meeting the unique needs of families. To this end, our training program is designed with direct input from our families.
The first step in implementing our training program is to assess the needs of the families we are serving. We rely on feedback from our families by conducting surveys to inform us what would be most helpful and useful. See the list below for some of the previous topics we have presented in the past.
- Adaptive Living Skills
- Functions of Behavior
- Communication Skills
- Understanding Your Child's IEP
- And many more.....
Unfortunately, we are not able to deliver these training sessions in person. We will be streaming live and invite participants via Microsoft Teams. If you are not able to join us live, please access the resources after the presentation date.
Archived Presentations
Monthly Curriculum Calendars
Navigating Benefits
Navigating Benefits for Your Child
Navigating the benefits available to your child can be a daunting task. At Carman Road School, we work hard to stay on top of changes and new opportunities for our students. Attaining eligibility is the first step to their future, but even the terminology can be confusing. Terms like eligibility, front door, waiver, CDPAP, and more are commonly used in the realm of benefits. Whether you're experienced in navigating these waters or exploring them for the first time, we're here to support you. Here, we've provided the basics of securing benefits and the types of benefits available.
Q. When Should I Apply?
A. It’s never too late or too early to apply for services for your child. You can start as early as age 3.
Q. Should I Apply Even If I Have My Own Insurance?
A. Yes! These are lifelong benefits once an applicant is deemed eligible.
Q. What’s Available?
A. There are two types of supports: Children's Waiver and OPWDD (Office for People With Developmental Disabilities). Let's learn about them both:
New York currently has two Medicaid waivers that accept children. Both waivers are HCBS 1915 (c) waivers and waive parent income. For general information on the children's waiver program in New York, see the information below. For New York's gateway to services for people with developmental disabilities please access the Front Door information or an OPWDD open house information session.
In 2019, New York combined several waivers to form a new Children's Waiver. The terminated waivers include the three Bridges waivers for children in foster care, OMH SED (mental health), and the Care at Home waivers.
* New York also has two adult-only waivers, Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Medicaid Waiver and Traumatic Brain Injury.
For a more detailed portfolio of services available for you and your child, please contact Fran Fishman at (516) 608-6233.
Children’s Home and Community-Based Services
How do Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) help children/youth and families/caregivers?
- Are provided where children/youth and families are most comfortable — at home or in the community
- Support children and youth as they work toward goals and achievements
- Help children and youth be successful at home, in school, and in other environments
- Offer personal, flexible services to meet the health, mental health, substance use treatment and/or developmental needs of each child/youth
What is Health Home Care Management?
A Health Home is not a place, it is a person who can help you find services that are right for you and your family. Health Home Care Managers work together as a team with children/youth and their families and service providers to make sure they receive the care and services they need to stay healthy. All Children eligible for HCBS can get care management services through the Health Home care management program. Children/Youth not enrolled in a Health Home care management program can call 518-473-5569 or email to get more information and/or enroll.
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
The New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) is responsible for coordinating services for New Yorkers with developmental disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Prader-Willi syndrome and other neurological impairments. It provides services directly and through a network of approximately 500 nonprofit service providing agencies, with about 80 percent of services provided by the private nonprofits and 20 percent provided by state-run services.
Getting a Break
Caring for others, while rewarding, can also be exhausting. Family members who care for a loved one with a developmental disability can sometimes need a break. Respite services provide temporary relief from the demands of care giving, which can help reduce overall family stress. This enables families to better meet the needs of their loved one with a developmental disability. Respite can be provided in the home or out of the home, during the day, evenings or overnight.
Respite is an “indirect” service that provides relief to people who are responsible for the primary care and support of a person with a developmental disability. When a family member, Family Care provider or live-in/house-parent staff person has to deal with family illness, emergency, or caregiver or staff vacation, respite services can ensure that their loved one’s needs are met.
Crisis Prevention and Response
Crisis Services for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (CSIDD) offers crisis prevention and response services to people who have both developmental disabilities and complex behavioral needs, as well as to their families and those who provide supports. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to OPWDD eligible individuals age 6 and over who meet CSIDD eligibility. The goal of CSIDD is to build relationships and supports across service systems to help people remain in their homes and communities and enhance the ability of the community to support them.
CSIDD Teams provide the following services:
- Community partnerships and systems linkages
- Systemic and clinical consultation and training
- Community training and education
- Clinical Education Team training meetings
- Cross Systems Crisis Prevention and Intervention Planning
- Mobile crisis support and response for individuals enrolled in CSIDD services
- Outreach and follow up; and
- Comprehensive Service Evaluation
First Steps to OPWDD: Front Door Information Session
The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions will outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where you can go to get assistance. Registration for the Front Door Information Sessions is done locally through your Regional Office or voluntary agency provider.
All Regional Offices offer translation services for the language that best fits your needs and some Regional Offices offer Information Sessions in a language other than English. When registering for an Information Session please let the facilitator know if you need translation services or have other accessibility needs.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: all in-person Front Door Information Sessions are presently canceled and alternatives such as Phone Conferencing and WebEx are being offered in each district.
Understanding Benefits
What type of benefits are available?
Navigating benefits available to your child can be a very daunting task. We here at Carman Road School work hard to stay on top of changes and new opportunities for our students. Attaining eligibility is the first step to their future. But at the same, even the terminology can be confusing. Eligibility, front door, waiver, CDPAP, and more are all commonly used terms in the land of benefits. Whether you have navigated the waters of benefits or you are sailing on unchartered waters we are here to support you. Provided here are the basics of securing benefits and types of benefits available.
New York currently has two Medicaid waivers that accept children. Both waivers are HCBS 1915 (c) waivers and waive parent income. For general information on the children's waiver program in New York, see the information below. For New York's gateway to services for people with developmental disabilities please access the Front Door information or an OPWDD open house information session.
In 2019, New York combined several waivers to form a new Children's Waiver. The terminated waivers include the three Bridges waivers for children in foster care, OMH SED (mental health), and the Care at Home waivers.
* New York also has two adult-only waivers, Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Medicaid Waiver and Traumatic Brain Injury.
We have provided below a brief overview of these services below, however, for a more detailed portfolio of services available for you and your child, please contact Fran Fishman at (516) 608-6233.
Children’s Home and Community-Based Services
How do Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) help children/ youth and families/caregivers?
- Are provided where children/ youth and families are most comfortable — at home or in the community
- Support children and youth as they work toward goals and achievements
- Help children and youth be successful at home, in school, and in other environments
- Ofer personal, flexible services to meet the health, mental health, substance use treatment and/or developmental needs of each child/youth
What is Health Home Care Management?
A Health Home is not a place, it is a person who can help you find services that are right for you and your family. Health Home Care Managers work together as a team with children/youth and their families and service providers to make sure they receive the care and services they need to stay healthy. All Children eligible for HCBS can get care management services through the Health Home care management program. Children/Youth not enrolled in a Health Home care management program can call 518-473-5569 or email to get more information and/or enroll.
Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
The New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) is responsible for coordinating services for New Yorkers with developmental disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, Prader-Willi syndrome and other neurological impairments. It provides services directly and through a network of approximately 500 nonprofit service providing agencies, with about 80 percent of services provided by the private nonprofits and 20 percent provided by state-run services.
Getting a Break
Caring for others, while rewarding, can also be exhausting. Family members who care for a loved one with a developmental disability can sometimes need a break. Respite services provide temporary relief from the demands of care giving, which can help reduce overall family stress. This enables families to better meet the needs of their loved one with a developmental disability. Respite can be provided in the home or out of the home, during the day, evenings or overnight.
Respite is an “indirect” service that provides relief to people who are responsible for the primary care and support of a person with a developmental disability. When a family member, Family Care provider or live-in/house-parent staff person has to deal with family illness, emergency, or caregiver or staff vacation, respite services can ensure that their loved one’s needs are met.
Crisis Prevention and Response
Crisis Services for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (CSIDD) offers crisis prevention and response services to people who have both developmental disabilities and complex behavioral needs, as well as to their families and those who provide supports. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to OPWDD eligible individuals age 6 and over who meet CSIDD eligibility. The goal of CSIDD is to build relationships and supports across service systems to help people remain in their homes and communities and enhance the ability of the community to support them.
Services Provided by CSIDD Teams
- Community partnerships and systems linkages
- Systemic and clinical consultation and training
- Community training and education
- Clinical Education Team training meetings
- Cross Systems Crisis Prevention and Intervention Planning
- Mobile crisis support and response for individuals enrolled in CSIDD services
- Outreach and follow up; and
- Comprehensive Service Evaluation
First Steps to OPWDD: Front Door Information Session
The OPWDD Front Door Information Sessions will outline the process of how you can become eligible for supports and services, the types of supports and services available and where you can go to get assistance. Registration for the Front Door Information Sessions is done locally through your Regional Office or voluntary agency provider.
All Regional Offices offer translation services for the language that best fits your needs and some Regional Offices offer Information Sessions in a language other than English. When registering for an Information Session please let the facilitator know if you need translation services or have other accessibility needs.