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Guidance Services

Nassau BOCES provides an extensive array of services and resources designed specifically for school guidance counselors and district counseling programs. These offerings aim to help districts fulfill  Commissioner's Regulation 100.2(j), which pertains to Guidance Programs and Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling/Guidance Programs. We offer technical assistance for various guidance software solutions and conduct regular training sessions. Additionally, we facilitate moderated collegial circles for Elementary Counselors and organize quarterly "drop-in" sessions for secondary counselors.

Elementary & Secondary School Counselors

Elementary & Secondary Counseling Staff available starting at .2 FTE

.2 FTE 2024-2025 cost $28,372 - inclusive of ALL BOCES fees.

Provide MORE support to your students.  Guidance counselors can help students:

  • Gain access to a certified school counselor
  • Have effective SEL lessons delivered
  • Follow up with students in crisis
  • Help with new student orientation
  • Transition planning, career counseling, college prep
  • Provide executive functioning work groups
  • Application prep, common ap prep, NCAA Clearninghouse prep

Additional Supports for MHC member districts

Workshops, training, groups

Guidance Software Support

  • Naviance - a PowerSchool product- Naviance offers K-12 students prepare for their futures with personalized college, career, and life readiness planning tools.  Ensures every student has access to hig-quality resources to achieve milestones and is available in 70+ languages. Read more at
  • Parchment - Parchment helps learners, academic institutions, and employers request, verify, and receive transcripts, diplomas, and other credentials through a comprehensive platform.  Archiving services also available. Read more at
  • Schoolinks - SchooLinks' is for Counselors and Career Advisors to see whether their students are on track to hit their goals. Monitor student college interests, career exploration, and  graduation requirements.  Products support K-12 student needs. Read more at
  • Guidance Direct a Frontline Technology Group product- Guidance Direct is an all-in-one online information resource for school counseling professionals. The product provides an electronic messaging system to communicate with other counselors, online knowledge base to answer counselor questions, an electronic library of resources, state requirements and update notifications, college and scholarship search engines and databases and summary and accountability reports. Read more at

Naviance Office Hours

High School: Monday & Wednesday 8-10am
Middle School: Tuesday & Friday 8-10am 
Elementary: Thursday 11-1pm

Guidance Contact Information:

Email address:
Phone number: 516-832-2891