Student Information Systems
A student information system is an essential and requisite component of a school district’s functionality. The applications which comprise Nassau BOCES’ Student Information Services (SIS) greatly enhance school-to-home communication across our districts and are an invaluable component of the agency.
How does it work? SIS consists of a variety of applications, each tasked with managing, tracking and reporting student data to meet district and state reporting requirements.
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Student Information Systems
Student Information Systems vary in size and scope, but all are powerful, complex databases that allow administrators, teachers and parents to share information about students’ educational progress in grades Pre-K through 12.
These systems record, monitor and analyze grading, attendance, course and transcript data, assessment data, track and report and maintain student health records compliant with SED requirements. They manage and report discipline events, maximize school-to-home and home-to-school communication via portals, email and text messaging and perform robust tasks such as scheduling, graduation planning, course requirements tracking and collect and report all required student data for New York State Reporting. Each Student Information System has powerful tools that provide for statistical reporting to enhance student achievement. New modules include data dashboards and data warehouses, online registration functionality and learning management components.
Supplementary Student Data Services
These peripheral systems offer specialty data services. They compliment the functionality of each student information system by providing targeted, in depth student data services that enhance school safety and provide visitor management solutions, student health record management, discipline management, document management as well as streamline the registration and school-to-home processes.