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Regional Certification

The Nassau BOCES Office of Regional Certification is authorized by the New York State Education Department Office of Teaching to evaluate and recommend certification for areas related to professional services. Professional employees referred by participating districts and Nassau County residents receive responses to questions concerning certification status. The Regional Certification Office assists and advises school districts on issues related to the employment of non-certified teachers. Information concerning changes in certification regulations is disseminated to participating school districts. Workshops can be presented in local school districts upon request.

Please be aware that much of the information requested by those who contact the Regional Certification Office is available on the web herefor Office of Teaching Initiatives.  The New York State Education Department and the BOCES Regional Certification Offices will NOT provide informal evaluations.

TEACH Online Services is the NY State Education Department online application and database system. Users must apply for teacher certification and fingerprint clearance through NYSED TEACH Online. Teachers will be able to pay application fees, check status of certificate applications and fingerprint clearance status. If you live or work in Nassau County you can select the Nassau BOCES Regional Certification Office to process your on-line application. All official transcripts will need to be submitted to the Nassau BOCES Regional Certification Office.

To view the status of your application log into your TEACH account. Select documents you sent to review when the NYS office received your documents. If your certification has not been awarded the following remarks may appear by your application:

  • "automated evaluation" this means that your file has not yet been reviewed by an evaluator.
  • "manual evaluation" provides a list of met/unmet requirements

Search for Certification Requirements is an online search tool that allows you to identify the specific requirements you must meet for any given certificate.

  • Recent graduate in a teacher certification degree program, from a college/university, select "teacher approved program" pathway.
  • If you hold a valid NYS certification and you wish to hold another certificate then select the "Individual Evaluation for an Additional Certificate".
  • First time NYS certification applicant should choose the pathway for the Individual Evaluation.


New York State Teacher Certification Examinations

Schedules, registration information, preparation guides, and much more can be found on the NYSTCE website.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are considering distance learning programs, please seek verification from the college that your course work would count toward a degree in the subject of the course.

NOTE: To be awarded a NY State Certification, all applicants must be fingerprinted and cleared by NY State. For more information regarding fingerprinting contact MorphoTrust by going to their website at and clicking on New York State on the map, or calling (877) 472-6915.

Required courses include:


Mary Guerriero

Senior Manager II


George Farber Administrative Center
George Farber Administrative Center

Regular operating hours:
Tuesdays  9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursdays  1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Walk-in hours will be suspended until further notice. Other times are available by appointment only.

Helpful Links

Fingerprinting Changes

QHow do I schedule a fingerprinting appointment?

A: Contact MorphoTrust by going to their website at and choose New York State from the Select Fingerprinting Service by State list, scroll down and click on State Fingerprinting and enter the appropriate service code (see below), or call (877) 472-6915.

QWhat is the Service Code Number for the New York State Education Department ("NYSED")?

A: The service code for certification is: 14ZGQT
    The service code for employee is: 14ZGR7

Q: What method of payment can I use for my fingerprint application fee?

A: The fingerprinting fee can be paid at the time of scheduling through a credit card or employer escrow account, or on-site at the time of the fingerprinting appointment with a check or cash only.

QHow do I go about informing my potential employer about my fingerprints?

A: All candidates must go to the New York State Department of Education website and set up a TEACH account. There is no cost to the applicant to set up an account. All information regarding your fingerprints will be communicated to your potential employer through this system. It is secure and is used by all public schools and BOCES throughout New York State.

QDo schools still use TEACH to request clearances, view status messages and enter hire/termination dates?

A: Yes. Schools will still request clearance for employment and view information concerning an applicant’s status (i.e. full clearance, conditional clearance, denied, fingerprint images rejected, new prints needed, etc.), and enter hire/termination dates through the TEACH system.

QDoes MorphoTrust charge a fee for their services?

A: Yes. Call MorphoTrust at 877-472-6915 for fee.

QAre photos required to be submitted?

A: Yes. MorphoTrust takes a photograph at the time the fingerprints are scanned.

QWhat kind of ID information do I need to provide for fingerprinting?

A: You must have two forms of identification. At least one form of identification must contain a photo. Acceptable Photo Identification Document.

QAm I required to have my fingerprints electronically scanned?

A: Yes. Electronically scanned fingerprints captured at a MorphoTrust location in New York State are required for all applicants for certification and employment.

QDo I have to pay another fee if I have to get re-fingerprinted due to a rejection?

A: No. If fingerprints are rejected due to poor quality prints and a reprint appointment is necessary, there is no additional charge, provided that the reprints are submitted in a timely manner. It is important that you advise MorphoTrust that you are getting re-fingerprinted because your fingerprints were rejected (rather than an initial set of fingerprints which requires payment of a fee).

QHow will I know if my fingerprints are rejected?

A: MorphoTrust will contact applicants whose fingerprints are rejected using the telephone contact information provided during the fingerprint application process. If they are unsuccessful after three attempts, then MorphoTrust will attempt to notify the applicant of the rejection by sending a letter to the applicant at the address provided. When an applicant receives notice that their fingerprints have been rejected, it is imperative that they follow up with MorphoTrust to be reprinted in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in an inability to complete the existing application and the requirement that the applicant start the process over and pay a new fee.

QHow does NYSED find out that I have been fingerprinted?

A: Information provided to MorphoTrust during the fingerprint application process is electronically transmitted to the TEACH system maintained by NYSED.

QHow can I find out information about my fingerprints?

A: Applicants must have an account in TEACH (i.e., teacher certification applicants or holders) and school employment applicants who have created an account in TEACH can view information about the status of their fingerprint application in TEACH. If you do not have a TEACH account, you will need to establish one at

Q: Will school employers still be able to view information about the status of a fingerprint application in TEACH?

A: Yes. School employers will be able to view messages in TEACH that provide status information relative to the progress of a fingerprint application. The status messages are anticipated to be updated on a daily basis.

  • U.S. Passport (unexpired or expired)
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Alien Registration Receipt Card
  • Unexpired Foreign Passport
  • Driver’s License or Photo ID Card (issued by U.S. State or Territory)
  • U.S. Student ID Card with photo (High School or College)
  • Unexpired Employment Authorization with photo (Form I-766, I-688, I-688A or B)
  • Photo ID Card issued by Federal, State or Local Government

Additional Identification Documents

  • Voter Registration Card
  • U.S. Military Card or Draft Record
  • Military Dependent’s ID Card
  • Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
  • Native American Tribal Document
  • Canadian Driver’s License
  • U.S. Social Security Card
  • Original or Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate issued by authorized U.S. agency with official seal
  • Certification of Birth Abroad (Issued by U.S. Department of State)
  • U.S. Citizen ID Card (Form I-197)
  • School Record or Report Card (only accepted for applicants under the age of 18)
  • Clinic, doctor or hospital record (only accepted for applicants under the age of 18)