Plan of Service for the Nassau BOCES School Library System
Information from: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/pos/index.html (3/18/2016)Introduction
The system Plan of Service is a planning document which identifies, organizes, and provides an overview of the library system’s service program including intended changes in services or priorities. The Plan emphasizes what the library system proposes to accomplish and whom the library system serves. The Plan demonstrates how the library system anticipates it will fulfill the major roles expected of library systems. The major recommended roles for library systems are:
- Support and strengthen member libraries
- Facilitate equitable access to library services and resources directly to patrons/customers
- Facilitate resource sharing among libraries
- Provide leadership for improving library services for all
The purpose of the Plan of Service for all types of systems is to:
- Articulate the basic agreement between the State and the governing board of the system, which makes possible the payment of state aid to the system
- Enumerate the mutual commitments, responsibilities and obligations of the system and its members
- Share the system’s mission, goals, intended results and evaluation methods with its members
- Determine how the system meets the service needs of its community, region, and the State
The system Plan of Service integrates current ongoing services and plans for the next five years. It should provide a picture of the intended results of its services for both member libraries and individual users. The Plan of Service includes:
- System Mission (purpose of the organization)
- Goals
- Intended Results
- Evaluation Methods
The mission statement broadly describes the purpose of the library system. Mission statements should:
- Articulate the purpose for which the library system exists.
- Provide a focus for the library system’s activities.
- Motivate the Board of Trustees, staff, volunteers, and donors.
- Educate users about the library system’s importance and value.
- Act as a public relations tool.
Goals are broad statements that describe a desired condition toward which a library system will work.
Intended results
Intended results are the expected user benefits of the goals.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation methods are the tools that indicate if intended results were achieved. Examples include surveys, numerical statistics, anecdotal reports, focus groups, questionnaires, observations, pre - or post-test scores, etc.
Sections and Elements
The Library System Plan of Service consists of the following four sections:
- Section 1 – General Information
- Section 2 – System Governance & Membership
- Section 3 – Description of the Planning, Approval, Evaluation and Revision Process for all Sections of the Plan of Service
- Section 4 – Mission Statement, Goal Statements, Intended Results and Evaluation Methods (Section 4 for each of the three types of library systems differs slightly based on legal and regulatory requirements). Certain elements in Section 4 have specific requirements that must be addressed.